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6 Apr

Virtual robots: The power of learning from home

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In these difficult days, where schools are closing their doors all over the world and finding new ways to keep their students learning, teachers are looking for tools that’ll help them deliver the knowledge, abilities, and content they are used to giving in the classroom. Nowadays, when all edu...

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2 Mar

11 Cool FACTS About Programming and Coding You NEED to Know

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Cars, computers, and Columbus Ohio. What do they have in common? Coding! For every technology you rely on in your daily life, code is the language that powers it. Cars run on it, computers won’t work without it, and some cities are using it to improve their infrastructure. Sounds like it's time fo...

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2 Mar

Coding and math: How related are these fields?

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Many teachers face a hard challenge when teaching their students math. It is very common to witness kids, in classrooms all over the globe, that appear to be allergic to math, formulas, algorithms, and equations. Several educators are constantly trying to find new, engaging ways to teach math to the...

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11 Feb

Tips for Introducing Career Paths to Students

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In order to get future generations excited about working in STEM fields, it is important to begin introducing and integrating the concepts of what sorts of jobs will be available to them in a fun way early on. The concept of a ‘good job’ can seem esoteric to young learners who aren’t necessari...

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4 Feb

The biggest challenges in teaching students to code

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If there’s something we know, is that teaching our students how to code is a must. In some sort of way, teaching them how to code is teaching them a second language; a language that will enable them to succeed in the future, and to create outstanding stuff that will improve the world we live in. T...

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17 Jan

Coding and Resilience

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Which skills can your students strengthen while learning how to code in your STEM class? Which abilities can they develop while receiving knowledge on how to program their very own virtual robots? And most importantly, which abilities are key for them to truly succeed in tomorrow’s world? Many ...

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2 Dec

How Can Robotics Competitions Prepare Your Students For The Workforce

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We’ve talked about robotics competitions on multiple occasions before. It is pretty clear how and why do they help our students gain and strengthen a number of 21st-century skills. It is also evident that robotics competitions and cyber robotics coding competitions are a very scalable, affordable ...

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30 Oct

Girls Can’t Code and Other Modern Myths

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Have you also heard that girls can’t code? You also advocate to end the gender gap both in coding and in STEM education? We strongly believe in inclusivity, and that is why we are doing everything we can both in CoderZ and during the CRCC competitions to let the world know that anyone can learn ho...

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21 Oct

STEM Lessons for Historically Underrepresented Students

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It's no secret that STEM subjects are dominated by white men. But in our increasingly diverse world, can STEM fields evolve to become more inclusive? It's certainly in the realm of possibility, especially if diligent educators help connect real-world scenarios to STEM-related lesson plans. Ethnic...

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3 Oct

5 reasons robotics is important for STEM

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We’ve discussed the benefits of STEM education multiple times. There are numerous 21st-century skills that students can obtain throughout their learning process in STEM classes. Not only the traditional skills and abilities can be strengthened, but also a number of new ones that will open even mor...

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