20 Mar

5 Strategies for Inspiring an Inclusive STEM Culture in Your School

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In order to support a diverse educational community, it’s crucial that schools find ways to foster inclusivity across the curriculum. Diversity and inclusion are particularly important in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines, where minority groups are systemically underrep...

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6 Dec

ESL & ELL: Key Components in the Algorithm of Inclusive Computer Science Education

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In our interconnected world, effective communication is key. For English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Language Learners (ELL), the journey to proficiency can be challenging. However, computer science emerges as a powerful tool, not just for coding and algorithms, but as a bridge that spans...

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1 Dec

Coding: Where Does It Fit In? Integrating CS into ELA and Literacy

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It’s no secret that computer science is just about everywhere. We’re using it to create art, push the boundaries of medical science, and even find ancient cities hidden in the jungle. As technology advances, educators are working hard to ensure that our kids can take full advantage of the opport...

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28 Nov

Bring Code to Your Classroom: A Guide for Teachers to Implement a Successful Hour of Code for CSEdWeek  

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Are you ready to join the tens of thousands of classrooms that participate in the Hour of Code during CSEdWeek every year? This global event is a great way to spark students’ interest in STEM, develop their computational thinking skills, and inspire them to create their own projects. With over a t...

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2 Nov

The Increasing Demand for Computer Science Education in K-12: What it Means for Educators, Teachers, and Students

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In recent years, the landscape of education in the United States has been undergoing a profound transformation, particularly when it comes to Computer Science (CS) education in K-12 schools. Across the nation, states are increasingly recognizing the importance of equipping students with digital lite...

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29 Sep

Harnessing CS and Technology Skills for Culturally Responsive and Sustainable Solutions

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In today's rapidly evolving world, computer science (CS) and technology skills have become indispensable tools for addressing a wide range of societal challenges. Technology and computing are in all industries including farming and agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and retail. And yet, the&n...

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13 Jul

Nurturing Teacher Well-Being: Prepping for the Next School Year with CoderZ 

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As dedicated educators, having the summer to re-set, rest and recover, and the importance of nurturing well-being to effectively support students' growth and learning is paramount. With the next school year on the horizon, now is an excellent time to prepare ourselves physically, mentally, and emoti...

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10 Jul

Embracing Flexibility: Enhancing Robotics and Computer Science Classes

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As educators, we eagerly anticipate the start of a new school year while using our summer break to recharge and prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. With the growing demand for robotics and computer science education, it's essential to equip ourselves with versatile tools that promote...

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29 Jun

CoderZ League: Combining Fun and Learning Through the Power of Competition

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Competition has long been recognized as a powerful motivator that, when well-facilitated, can bring out the best in individuals. It can push us to test our limits, foster creativity, and develop problem-solving skills. It can open doors to demonstrate how we work with others and collaborate – espe...

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19 Jun

6 Summer Activities to Engage Your Students in STEM Fun

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With summer in full swing, it's the perfect time for educators to experiment with bringing STEM or CS to their students, and to embark on a journey of fun-filled, educational activities. Whether you're a teacher looking for engaging summer school projects, a summer camp educator looking for a way to...

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