Code Farm – Breaking Ground

Code Farm – Breaking Ground

100% online,
no installation required
For educators of all backgrounds
Fully aligned to TEKS Technology Application standards
For educators of all backgrounds
100% online, no installation required
Discovery-based learning approach
Class management tools

Mooove on up to this coding and robotics course that sets the standard for TEKS aligned computer science curriculum! With strategic scaffolding built into nearly every inch, teachers can successfully advance ALL students in CS using a discovery-based approach.

Fully aligned to TEKS Grade 5 Technology Applications standards, interdisciplinary extensions explore essential concepts from ELAR and Mathematics within the framework of digital citizenship, data literacy, and innovative technologies.

Includes teacher's guide, reflective questions, suggested solutions, project rubrics and exemplars, slide deck, learning progress heatmap, quizzes, knowledge base, and help desk.

Who this course is for: Texas teachers and students in grade 5, with zero to minimal experience in coding or robotics. Short, structured missions and flexible pacing make the curriculum engaging for a range of beginner learning levels.

30-50 hours , 75 activities

Self-paced, gamified activities with real-time feedback and step-by-step instructions

5th grade
English, Spanish, Hebrew
Last updated 7/2024

Student Outcomes

How internal/ external parts of computing devices form a system
Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm
Use a structured process to plan a program
Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals
Compare advantages of different algorithms for the same task
Explain how sensors allow robots to collect information from their environment
21st Century Skills
Teamwork and collaboration, giving/receiving feedback
21st Century Skills
Inquiry, investigation, prediction, and creativity
21st Century Skills
Critical and computational thinking for problem solving

Course Resources

Teaching Guide

Teaching Guide

Everything you need to flow through each lesson, including: clear objectives, questions for reflection, instructional videos, and more.

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Slide Deck for Classroom Activities

Each session is guided by a presentation that covers the entire session from theory to practice, including: scientific background, examples and sample code, discussion guidelines, play time activities, and speaker notes.

Mission Solutions

Mission Solutions

You can quickly navigate to all the solutions for each lesson in just a few clicks.

Heatmaps and Student Reports

Heatmaps and Student Reports

So you can see how individual students compare to one another, identify specific topics they may be struggling with, and recommend corrective actions.

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Knowledge Base and Help Desk

Get answers to all your subject matter questions and find your way around the platform.

30-50 hours, 13 lessons, 75 activities

Course outline

Technology Detective
1 activity
Practice troubleshooting skills and explore the CoderZ platform.
Meet the Robot 1
9 activities
Learn basic navigation skills such as driving the robot back and forth.
Robot Language
7 activities
Learn the benefits of planning their algorithm before coding, as well as how to perform time-based screw turns.
Moving Language
7 activities
Learn the concept of 'bugs' and 'debugging' their program, and work on sequencing their code.
Turning Time
7 activities
Collaborate with other programmers to make coding more effective.
Touch, Touch, Moo
7 activities
Students are introduced to the Touch Sensor, and learn to navigate their environment based on physical cues.
Project: Build a Better Robot
1 activity
An offline project where students design a robot that they would like to have, then evaluate their design
Code on Repeat
7 activities
Repeat loops and Print statements are used making students' code more efficient and practicing more debugging.
Colorful Code
7 activities
Learn to use conditionals (If statements) and navigate missions based on the Color sensor.
Colorful Conditions
7 activities
Learn to use the Encoder to measure precise drive distances and variables to store the data in.
Planting Flowers
7 activities
Learn to use the Encoder to measure precise drive distances and variables to store the data in.
Variable Season
7 activities
Use variables to save information to use for later.
 <br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>/coderz-website/src/wp-content/themes/GoCoderZ/template-parts/single-course/section-course-list.php</b> on line <b>52</b><br />
Project 2 TBD
1 activity
Design and create a garden using all the code learned.
Load more lessons

Other Courses in Our Curriculum

30+ hours
3 languages
CoderZ Adventure – New Worlds
4th grade
  • Robotics and automation
  • Coding with procedures and events
  • Data and Analysis
  • Critical thinking with debugging
30+ hours
3 languages
CoderZ Adventure – Trailblazers
3rd grade
  • Fundamentals of robot systems
  • Coding with loops and conditionals
  • Geometry and Data Analysis
  • Technology Impacts and Digital Literacy
30-50 hours
2 languages
CoderZ CodeFarm – Growing Season
6th grade
  • Navigational sensors such as gyroscopes
  • Project planning and documentation
  • Collaborative problem solving
  • Impacts of emerging technologies
  • Data management and representation